Tuesday, September 9, 2008

FM Static - Tonight

This is a sad song, but its such a good song. My good friend first told me about this song, and I really liked it. So, I want to share it with people because I know a lot of other people can relate to this. To my friend, I'm sorry, I know you consider this your song, but this song was made so everyone can listen to it.

View Lyrics Here

FM Static - Tonight
Download Song here:

Download Video Here:
(Which, I must say isn't much of a video. But they are pretty useful for iPods and such)


Anonymous said...


Little Feet said...

This song is really amazing it describes how some people feel once in awhile. It describes a lot of things that are so amazing in life that sometimes we take for granted. my thing is always give someone a chance in life no matter what you could miss a big opportunity in life.